Jancis Robinson MW 17 « Brigitte Chevalier describes this as un vin de bistronomie. Bright, pale crimson. Chock-full of sweet, youthful fruit. Beautifully juicy, unavoidably swallowable. Tannins are hardly there until the very end, but the schist of Faugères is. You’d want to drink this with food but you’d have difficulty resisting getting to the bottom of the bottle. » 2021-2025
Guide des Meilleurs Vins de France 2023, la RVF 90 « A la Venvole présente des tanins bien intégrés avec friandise, sur des notes de santal et un côté umami en bouche »
La RVF fév 2022 Sophie de Salettes Les Dessous du Terroir – A déguster en priorité : Felgaria 2017, Les Bancèls 2019, A la Venvole 2020
Rosemary George MW “This too is designed for easy drinking, a Faugères de bistro, as Brigitte put it. Medium weight, with some lovely spicy red fruit, balanced with fresh acidity and tannin and a touch of stony minerality. Nicely balanced. Not a trace of wood in the winemaking
Alain March, Amarchinthevines “, the wine is meant to be drunk young and as a simpler style. I really enjoyed this, yes it is easy to drink young but it has real quality and depth, a lovely blend of grapes and style.”